Rated Excellent

*Our contact numbers have changed – Please call 0161 808 8811 to speak to our team*

Complaints Procedure

This notice sets out details of the complaints procedure which we operate to try to resolve complaints which you, the client, may have in relation to the services that we have provided.

The complaints procedure noted here is aimed at resolving complaints quickly and satisfactorily and improving the quality of the service we provide and forms part of our Complaints Handling Policy.

What is covered in our complaints procedure?

Our complaints procedure covers complaints which you may wish to make regarding the services that we have provided to you, in particular, the manner in which we have dealt with you or your creditors and the information we have provided to you or your creditors about our services on your behalf.


A “complaint” is any expression of dissatisfaction made by any third party that is an eligible complainant.

An “eligible” complainant is a customer or potential customer who is a private individual or is a business affected by the activities of our Company.

How do you make a complaint?

If you are unhappy with the service we have provided to you, you should in the first instance discuss the situation with our customer care team who can be contacted at email: hello@pennyplan.co.uk

Should you be dissatisfied with the information or explanations given to you, then you should make a formal complaint which will be referred to a member of the Senior Team.

Written complaints are best sent by email and should be addressed to our “Compliance Manager” using the email address compliance@pennyplan.co.uk or if you wish to use the postal service please use the address:

Compliance Manager

PennyPlan Limited

Meadowbank House

Meadowbank Business Park



How will we handle your complaint?

We pledge to acknowledge complaints promptly following receipt and we will enclose a copy of our procedure.

If we receive a complaint verbally or in writing, a written acknowledgement will be sent and will set out our understanding of the complaint.

If a complaint cannot be resolved by the close of the next business day, (within 48 hours), we will ensure that you are regularly kept informed of our progress with regards to the investigation into the complaint.

We will endeavour to send a Final Outcome Letter; addressing the heads of the complaint and providing you with our decision within 28 business days or at a maximum of 8 weeks.

Where we are unable to provide a Final Outcome Letter, confirmation of this will be sent in writing along with an explanation as to why investigations have not been completed within the timescale. We will confirm when you can next expect to hear from us.

Where we remain unable to complete investigations within 8 weeks of a complaint, confirmation of this will be made in writing along with an explanation as to why investigations have not been completed within this time scale. This notification will confirm when you can next expect to be contacted and remind you of the procedure for escalation the relevant regulatory bodies.

A manager shall be appointed and will consider the contents of your complaint. In certain circumstances we may need to contact you for further information in order to better understand your position.

Should you need to contact us, you can do so by calling us on 0161 884 4208.

We will conduct a full investigation into the points raised and discuss the details of your complaint with your advisor and/or their line manager. Once all information has been considered you will be contacted further to confirm whether the company accepts completely or to some degree the points of your complaint.

Where applicable, you will be advised of what steps the company will take to put right the complaint and ensure the same problem does not re-occur.


At any stage you remain entitled to raise your grievance through the Insolvency Complaints Gateway: https://www.gov.uk/complain-about-insolvency-practitioner.

Complaints can also be made in writing by completing the online form at the above address and posting to: IP Complaints, Insolvency Service, 3rd Floor, 1 City Walk, Leeds, LS11 9DA or by calling the Insolvency Service Enquiry Line on 0300 678 0015 (Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm).

The Insolvency Practitioners at PennyPlan Limited are licensed in the UK by the Insolvency Practitioners Association (IPA) whose address is:-

Insolvency Practitioners Association
46 New Broad Street

If you are resident in Northern Ireland you should send your complaint directly to the Insolvency Practitioners Association and not to the Insolvency Service.

A summary of the IPA’s complaint procedure can be found at:


Notwithstanding escalation to the relevant regulatory body we will continue to investigate the complaint until it is in a position to send a Final Outcome Letter.

We will give due and appropriate consideration to any complaints that are upheld for any acts or omissions for which it is responsible.

The matter will be deemed closed when:

  • The investigation has been completed and a Final Outcome Letter has been sent to the complainant, or;
  • Where the complainant has indicated, in writing, acceptance of any earlier response, where appropriate.

If you are not satisfied with our final response, satisfaction your complaint should be made to the Insolvency Complaints Gateway by visiting their website at https://www.gov.uk/complain-aboutinsolvency-practitionerand completing and submitting their online form. Alternatively, you can contact their support team on 0300 678 0015.

Your Rights

We hope that you will accept our decision. If this should not be the case, you remain free at all times to seek an independent form of advice or legal advice ( at your own expense).