Rated Excellent

Debt Collection Agencies

If your creditors have trouble getting the money you owe them they may use a debt collection agency to chase the debt for them.

Debt collectors aren’t court officials and don’t have the same powers as bailiffs. They can’t enter your home or seize your possessions. They can only write, phone, or visit your home to talk to you about the debt and how to pay it back.

Debt collectors must follow the OFT (Office of Fair Trading) debt collection guidance.

Make sure you don’t simply ignore them, most debt collection agencies follow strict guidelines, and will try to help you wherever possible.


Debt Collection Agencies

Below is a selection of just some of the debt collection agencies that we deal with. If you are receiving letters or telephone calls from debt collection agencies then contact us now for help.


Are you struggling with debt?

There are always solutions, no matter what your situation.

Debt Collection Agencies (Bailiff's)

Credit Card Companies

Loan Companies

Local Councils (Council Tax)