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Are you struggling with debt?

There are always solutions, no matter what your situation.

Who are Equita?

Equita is a leading provider of enforcement and debt management services in the United Kingdom. They work with local authorities, utility companies, commercial landlords, and solicitors to handle enforcement actions and debt collection. Here are some key points about Equita:

  • Certified Bailiffs: Equita’s enforcement agents are certified bailiffs. They hold a certificate granted by a judge at the county court, allowing them to carry out enforcement actions, including taking control of goods and selling them if necessary to recover a debt.


  • Services Provided: Equita offers enforcement and debt collection services for over 200 local authorities in England and Wales. They collect various types of debts, including Council Tax, Business Rates, Parking Penalty Charge Notices, and Commercial Rent Arrears


  • Payment Options: Customers can make payments 24/7 using Equita’s online payments portal. Additionally, there’s an automated payment line, and customer service advisors are available to assist.


  • Support and Assistance: Equita recognizes that customers may feel vulnerable during uncertain times. They collaborate with trusted organizations to provide additional advice and support.

How to contact Equita?

Equita telephone number:

01604 628 360

(Equita takes calls between 8am and 8pm on weekdays, and between 8am and 4.30pm on Saturdays.)





Equita postal address:

Equita Ltd, 42-44 Henry Street, Northampton, NN1 4BZ

Can you help me deal with Equita?

Yes. Here at PennyPlan we specialise in helping people deal with their debt problems. We offer a holistic approach to debt solutions and will only ever discuss options that are relevant to you based on your own financial circumstances.

We have helped many customers deal with debt collectors, including Equita. We guide our clients on their journey to get them the desired resolution, with some even writing off a percentage of the debt they owe.

Are Equita legitimate?

Yes, Equita is regulated. Like many debt collectors, Equita is a member of the Credit Services Association (CSA), the largest regulatory body in the UK for debt collection and debt purchasing.

Who do Equita collect debts for?

Equita Limited recovers debts for both local and central government as well as solicitors and utility companies. They also collect commercial rent arrears, unpaid business rates, CCJs, other High Court Judgements, child support/maintenance and unpaid parking fines.

Why are Equita contacting me?

With such a wide range of services, Equita could be contacting you for many reasons. In many cases, they will be trying to recover the outstanding debt, before or after court action has begun for its recovery. They also manage evictions, security details, tracing services and more.

How will Equita get in touch with me?

Their contact will usually start with them sending you basic letters requesting you get in touch with them by phone to arrange payment, but this can quickly escalate into letters threatening to visit your home.

To get in touch with Equita, you can call their office number on 01604 628 360.

What should I do if Equita are contacting me?

If Equita are contacting you, the first thing you should do is take impartial advice from a specialist in dealing with debt collectors such as PennyPlan. Keep a copy of all and any letters that you receive.

How to deal with Equita?

Don’t ignore the problem as it won’t go away. If a debt collector like Equita is involved the issue needs dealing with. The first thing to understand is that you do owe the money you are being chased for. It is up to Equita Recovery to prove that this is the case.

This should be proven by them providing the original credit agreement with your signature on it. You can request this either over the phone if you do decide to take their call or if you would rather not speak to them you can use the templated letter we have included below.

If you do genuinely owe the debt, then you should look at ways to pay it back and we can help you explore your options as there are several different ways to do so depending on eligibility.

Click ‘Contact Us Now‘ below and we will give you a call to help you deal with this process.

Can Equita take me to court?

Yes, Equita can sometimes initiate court proceedings to encourage debt repayment if required, especially if you don’t respond by repaying the debt.

However, they can guide your original creditor to take court action if you keep ignoring their reach outs.

If you have any concerns regarding Equita, it is best to contact them directly to address your concerns.

Do HMRC use Equita?

No, they are not a collection agency that currently works with HMRC.

Does Equita affect credit score?

A lot of clients ask us the same question. If you are being contacted by Equita this is because you have not kept up with your agreed repayments.

Equita’s involvement alone does not directly affect your credit score. However, as they are a third-party debt collection agency, and their actions primarily involve trying to recover the debt on behalf of the creditor. However, it can have negative consequences for your credit score if you fail to address the debt and it remains unpaid.

If you would like to discuss your options and talk about how we can help with a debt solution click ‘Contact Us Now’ to arrange a call.

Still unsure or want to know more?

That’s where our advisors come in, our expert debt advice team can help find a solution that works for you. If you need help with problem debt, we’re on your side.

At PennyPlan we understand that every financial situation is different, and approach every customer with the care and individuality that they deserve.

So, get in touch today and start living better with PennyPlan.